Jena TDB importer

Imports SKOS concepts from a Jena TDB dataset. This is the recommended method if you have a fairly large dataset (e.g. FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) topics).


You need to install Jena to use the tdbloader command-line tool.

Importing RDF files into Jena TDB

Run the following command, where [path to store] is the path of a directory, and [path to RDF file] is the RDF file to be imported.

tdbloader2 –loc [path to store] [path to RDF file]

See TDB commands documentation for more information.

Importing TDB into SKOS suggester

Run the following command, where [path to store] is the path of the TDB directory, and [configuration file] is the Dropwizard configuration file.

java -jar target/skos-suggester-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar tdbimport -d [path to store] [configuration file]